HELP....My Poor Roo is giving up, how do I help him


6 Years
Jul 12, 2013
He was attacked but has been healing. Wounds are good and he's been really feisty and energetic until last night....

Now he's just wanting to sleep, doesn't want to eat, isn't taking water. We picked him up, took him outside and even shook him a bit and he just opened then closed his eyes.

Anything I can do to help him get feisty again?
Give lots of water, with antibiotics. That's the only thing I can think of. If he continues on like this and in a lot of misery, I would just cull him.

What did he get attacked by?
When did the attack occur, and what injuries did he have? Have you tried given him water with electrolytes yet? He could have internal injuries that have caused bleeding or other problems. Does he have any signs of infection in wounds? Otherwise, antibiotics are not going to do much. Try giving him sips of the water, and give him some bits of scrambled egg. Raw egg mixed with a little buttermilk, and put on some bread cubes are usually taken well by sick birds. I hope you can save him.
Sorry to hear about your roo. I have rescue remedy on hand for all my animals chickens, turkeys, dogs, cats, etc...
It's homeopathic and is used when trauma or crisis has/is occurs. I usually dose 3- 5 times throughout the 1st day then drop a dose unless they are having a rough time. It is non-toxic. You can get at healthfood store or online. I hope this helps. Good luck.
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Almost a month ago and yes on all that. We've been babying him since. The wounds were healing, and everything was going great. He just gave up. He passed away about ten minutes ago. My heart is breaking.
So sorry for your loss. Pets are special to us, and losing one is hard, especially after nursing one for a month, there can be a special attachment.

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