
9 Years
Dec 29, 2012
Organ Cave, WV
My rabbit just had babies & idk what to do! She had them in a hole & I went to check on her & she's out of the hole & the hole is covered up! Is this normal? Should I move her & the babies! Idk what to do! Do I just leave em alone?
Leave her alone, she'll take care of them. You don't have to do anything. The more you interfere the more nervous you'll make her.
The male rabbit died yesterday, so it'll be a while before I have more.
I found them at 2:55 today & it's now 6:10! I look out the window & she like ignores them. They have been covered up all day & I hope they domt freeze bc I think it's suppose to snow.
The male rabbit died yesterday, so it'll be a while before I have more.
I found them at 2:55 today & it's now 6:10! I look out the window & she like ignores them. They have been covered up all day & I hope they domt freeze bc I think it's suppose to snow.
I'm not a rabbit person, but you need to find out how soon those male kits are going to be sexually mature and breeding their mother or sisters. That's where you're going to get more babies, and I'm guessing it's like 6 weeks or so. Rabbits have no morals about breeding with close relatives and those young boy bunnies will be all over their female relatives.
I'm not a rabbit person, but you need to find out how soon those male kits are going to be sexually mature and breeding their mother or sisters. That's where you're going to get more babies, and I'm guessing it's like 6 weeks or so. Rabbits have no morals about breeding with close relatives and those young boy bunnies will be all over their female relatives.
Depending on the breed of rabbit will determine the average sexual maturity age.
averages -> small breeds (under 3lbs) 4-5mths medium breeds (under10) 6-7 &large breeds can be between 7-9mths

You can also make a shelter over where the kits are if you plan on leaving them out like that. It sounds like your doe free ranges your property? (if there is an upcoming storm or anything like that, it would be best to catch momma, get the kits n fur out & into a hutch or pen out of the elements. -if she is familiar with you & you have not shown aggression towards her, it is unlikely that she will abandon the kits.

Yes she will mostly stay away from the nest area so she does no attract potential predators to the kits. If this is a domestic rabbit - the babies will have their eyes open between 7-10days & will have a nice little coat on them by then as well they will nurse from momma till about 6-8wks old- if it's a wild rabbit, those kits will be out on their own by 2wks of age roughly.

Absolutely, like many animals, they do not really have qualms about the relation to whom they are attracted to
If you get into breeding-> mother to son or father to daughter is acceptable when there is a good trait (color, personality, body type, etc) but if it can be avoided no sibling love
You can definetely check on them and you should check on them (and touch them too). First check:you do a head count and remove any dead rabbits. Do the same every day for the first 5 or 6 days. Runts or peanuts can die (most will) and it's better to dispose them so the rest do not get infections etc...

Before you touch them and you can do it without any fear she will abandon them, rub your clean, dry hand on your rabbits fur so you get her scent. Do it at a time she's not in the nest or entertain her with some food or a treat. You should check if they are being fed (you will see round tummies) but do remember does will only feed twice a day at a time you no one is watching. The thing is that if this is her first litter and you confirm they are not being properly fed you can cue her into doing it by placing her on top of them for a couple minutes so she "gets" the idea... but this is usually not necessary unless one or more die and you see the rest look unfed, restless or too skinny.

Some people get does laying on their back and place the babies on top to feed, but I have found this is harder than just placing her on top.

Males and females should be separated by week 13.... can be weaned by week 4 the earliest and week 7 or 8 preferably.

Hope this crash course helps.

I had three rabbits kindle last week (3 days in a row) one had 8, other 7 all scattered on the cage's floor and made no nest and last one had 6 w/ two dying during the first 2 days (she was not keeping them warm nor feeding them). I placed the remaining four w/ rabbits one and two and even "use" the bad mommy as a bottle. She does not have the bunnies w/ her but other bunnies feed from her twice a day. So she's helping w/ feedings... None of them have abandoned their litters and have adopted the others ok... go figure.

So, don't be afraid and handle them w/ care ... they'll be fine.
Thanks this makes me feel a lot better!! :) this is the first time I had a rabbit have babies. I have two lop females & they are in a 10'x10', so they can dig. The hole is about arm length & when I checked it was pretty warm bc all the hair.
I'll check on them in the morning before I go to school & when I get home.
I put ten over the pen, leaned chipboard against the side to keep the weather off of the big rabbits & tw babies are in a hole & the momma covered&packed the hole with hay.
I'm hoping that normal, so we'll see what happens!

Thanks again!
Update: we got snow last night, so I checked on them this morning & they are all dead:/.
As I was reaching in the hole, getting them out, I realized the hole went back even further.
I reached as far back as I could & pulled out another nest!?! Ig my other lop rabbit had babies, but they was dead too. She must of had then while back bc they stunk & are starting to decay. The rabbit that had babies last night had 6 & the best I found I pulled out 8.

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