Help my rooster broke his beak

I don't live on the farm so I am not there right now! I will get a picture as soon as possible which is most definitely tomorrow if not tonight but I don't plan on going back until tomorrow morning! Trust me when I tell you I want to do everything possible to help my boy, they are all pets to me and I love each and every one of them very much
Oh ok...they don't live with you. Understood. Thanks for answering.
Depending on where it broke it probably will grow back. Beaks grow like our finger nails. Give him food in a deep bowl so he doesn’t bump the sore tip on the bottom. Hydration is really important. You seem like you want to help and he’s lucky to have you!
Depending on where it broke it probably will grow back. Beaks grow like our finger nails. Give him food in a deep bowl so he doesn’t bump the sore tip on the bottom. Hydration is really important. You seem like you want to help and he’s lucky to have you!
Thank you I love my little boy so much I just want to make sure he is happy. He's such a sweet boy and so good to his girls
Here's a picture of the sweet boy. Excuse the random chicken back in the lower right corner lol

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