HELP!!!Need to choose what to get


9 Years
Aug 20, 2010
I need help choosing a breed of duck. I want some that are friendly, good mothers,quieter than some breeds, and work well together.The ones I'm considering are:
Welsh Harlquins
and Saxony

Any other breed suggestions and information welcome.

Also, I want a breed that I mostly don't have to clip wings on, but I will do it if needed.
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I have had both rouens, calls, and welsh harlequin. My rouens lived 12 yrs and were good. Great mothers reared 6 clutches, quiet.
I have a young pair of WH for sale and so far I like. Friendly, I did hatch them, and the girls are kind of load but only upon initial greetings. Rouen's lay good and great for baking. I would recommend both breeds. Do not know your location to offer the WH pair, I am in Colorado.
Voting Polls!!!
5 Muscovy
1 Cayuga
2 Welsh Harlequins
3 Rouens
1 Ancona
1 Saxony
1 Mallard
1 Swedes
1 Calls
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I can only say from your list of Choice.Ancona are Great and Rouen also.Have had these breed's and do real well and they can be trained to go back to their area at night.I have one Cayuga mix drake now and he has been great also.I just sold 12 mallard's 10 hen's 2 drakes and I didn't have any problem's training them either my 5 remaining drakes go right up at night.Any duck I guess can be trained if you hand raise them and work with them.I raised HUNDREDS so....

The best mothers and sitters, most quiet (absolutely quackless)

If those characteristics are important to you ther is no contest.

Muscovies win hands (wings) down LOL

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