HELP NEEDED Post Crop Impaction Surgery


Jul 19, 2015

I apologize in advance for the very long post. I am new here and I hope I posted in the right section. I have three chickens that are around 2.5 years old. One of them stopped laying around last February (she still would drop soft eggs every once in awhile, until stopping completely a month or so ago). We thought that she might have been eggbound. She was very lethargic and dropping loose stools. After taking her in to the only farm vet in the area, he suggested that we give her LA-200 (two doses in the breast). This did nothing.

Here is a picture of her as I do not know what breed she is).

A week later I noticed that her crop was very full and squishy. After looking online, the signs indicated that she might be suffering from an impacted crop. I then contacted the vet and he confirmed the diagnosis. An X-ray showed her crop was full of grass. He suggested that we empty the crop by giving her water and olive oil and massage her crop to empty it. I did this and emptied out more than 1 cup of foul/sour smelling stuff, however, there was still a mass in her crop. She was again fairly active, and her old curious self. I read online that 1-4mL of red wine can her stimulate her digestive system in order to empty it. This did in fact work, as she finally eliminated a semisolid stool. After that, her bowel movement were very watery with very little solid, a couple of days later, her stool became very green (SEE PICTURE BELOW). The vet said it might be bile? We isolated her from the other two, and have kept her in a large dog kennel/cage inside the house (to monitor her fluids and what she eats, and keep her away from the heat).

I took her in again to the vet and convinced him to perform a crop impaction surgery. He emptied out more than one handful of grass from her crop. It has been 5 days since the surgery. She is still fairly active when I take her out of the cage, however, while she is in the cage she looks depressed and does not move much). I am having trouble finding any food she will eat, and I need to do something fast because she is just skin and bones.I tried to feed her scrambled eggs or hard-boiled eggs, boiled apples (homemade applesauce), oatmeal, fresh cheese, bread soaked in milk, yogurt, and even tried feeding her moist chicken feed or dry mealworms. I know it is not recommended to give her hard foods after the surgery, but she would not eat anything, and I knew that the mealworms are high in protein and she loves them. She will will eat some of the applesauce, oatmeal, bread, and mealworms, and nothing else. She will NOT eat the yogurt or bananas or any other soft foods. Any suggestions for food? I also noticed that she sometimes regurgitates a viscous clear liquid, when bending down to eat. What could it be??!

Today I only gave her water with probiotics and electrolytes, since her crop was not empty in the morning. She is very restless and anxious (probably hungry) and wants to get out of the cage. What should I do?

Moreover, the doctor prescribed bactrim (4mL in her food, daily). So far I have been unable to give it to her since she will not touch the food once it has the antibiotic in it, and she fights me when I try to give it to her with a a syringe through her beak. Any suggestions? Please responds soon, as we have no idea what to do at this point and I do not want to lose her. She has been through so much. Thank you in advance for your help!
I'm sorry to hear about that. I'm glad she seems to be doing somewhat better.

First off, crop impaction is very likely a good cause. However, the impaction may have been due to some underlying cause that is making her weak. You mentioned her laying soft eggs months ago and then she stopped laying. Could she have some chronic illness that is making her have trouble digesting? This would explain the impaction and green droppings.
Getting a chicken to eat isn't easy. Keep up giving her whatever she will take and keeping her hydrated and warm. After a couple days you could try letting her walk calmly around a small room, putting some food out, and seeing if this entices her to eat.
The liquid coming out when she bends over is probably just because her crop is sore from the surgery, so liquid in it is running back out of the mouth. My healthy chickens do this as well, when they drink too much.

By the way, I think she is a Barred Rock. They are pretty awesome birds.

Feel free to ask any question.
I hope this helps, and I hope she gets better soon. Best of luck!
Thank you for the response. I kinda gave up when I saw that no responded after a couple of days.

UPDATE: She is still alive. I took out her stitches yesterday. I also decided to leave her outside with the other chickens three days ago. At the end of day I brought her back into the house and noticed her crop was full. Since then she has not had a normal stool (just liquid). I think she might be impacted again. Since surgery is now out of the question. What do you suggest? Should I try giving her a laxative? Bisacodyl (Dulcolax) or Epsom salt (Magnesium Sulfate)? If yes, what dosage? Please respond soon, as I have no idea what to do with her!

Once again thank you in advance! :)
I'm not expert on health care of chickens, but I'll do my best to help.

If it is an impaction, take her off food again and put a few drops of oil in her crop. There may be scar tissue in it causing trouble. The impaction might not be too bad, and if you give her 15-20 hours off food she may get over it herself. Gently massage the crop, so as not to hurt any healing tissue in it.

Best of luck!
Check her crop early in the morning (before she has had a chance to eat) to see if it has emptied on its own. I agree that it could be scar tissue. You can try some water or oil followed by a gentle massage. I had a hen once with impacted crop and it took a week of tubing and massage to get it to empty. I've heard they often impact again after surgery, but I hope that is not the case with your girl. Best of luck!

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