Help needed with R-com king suro 20


8 Years
Aug 17, 2011
Can anyone help me with information on the pumping system. I have set up the incubator but I am having problems with the pumping system that regulates the humidity. When it pumps, the water is not being pumped up enough to reach the top of the hose and go into the incubator. If I raise the bottle that holds the water to above the incubator hight the water travels up the pipe and into the incubator, but then the humidity becomes too high.
Not sure what I am doing wrong. Would really appreciate any help from others that have this incubator as I have eggs waiting to set in it.
This unit was bought used so I can not contact the manufacturers about the problem.
I found this on another chicken forum, don't know if this helps or not.  Let me know and I will see if I can find something else.

Thank you for the link, I have seen it while trying to research my problem.
Had hubby look at it yesterday, and it seems the tubing going through the pump had become loose. He cut it and put it back as recommended by the set up instructions, and hey presto, works great now.
It has been stored for a few years so maybe that caused the pipe to loosen. It is now maintaining temp abd humidity like a dream.

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