Help needed with RIR X LIGHT SUSSEX


Jun 15, 2015
Hi all.
I have a RIR cockerel and light Sussex hens
I read on here that I could use them together to hatch sex links. It said that the girls would be golden in colour and boys would be white.
I have white with golden patches, and golden chicks with brownish stripes.
When I checked their feathers to make sure they were girls and boys it through me off. The white chicks wing feathers look like girls, ie one long one short one long one short, and the gold have feathers like boys, all long?
Am I missing something or have I got it all mixed up?
Any help would be great. I have done sex linked chicks before with different breeds but this is first time with RIR and still pretty new to chicks.
Thanks in advance.
These are day olds so help needed asap.
Assuming your cockerel is a pure RIR and your pullets are pure Light Sussex, the offspring will be Red Sex Links. Wing feathering is not an accurately way to sex RSLs; color is the gender indicator. Male RSL chicks are whitish; female RSLs are reddish/goldish. Based on your description, it sounds like the white chicks with golden patches are males and the gold chicks with brownish stripes are females, but if your will post some pics, we can verify their gender for you.

Do you have pics of the parents? Your rooster may be a Production Red rather than a heritage Rhode Island Red. The chicks will still be Red Sex Links with the two light ones in your top two pics being males and the dark one in your bottom pic being a female, but the specific shade of light and dark down in the chicks can be affected by the mixed red genes of the PR father. The chicks in the pic below are RSL chicks (reddish female chicks on the left, whitish male chicks on the right) produced by crossing a RIR rooster with a LS hen and you can see that their colors are very similar to yours (although the shading is not exactly the same).


These are two newbies out of hatcher
These have the same white/yellow colour, however these have different browner marks, ie stripes down each side of their back?plus the chick in the top pic has dark on the ends of its wings.
Now I'm even more confused.
As far as I'm aware both the hens and the roo are pure breeds. Couldn't tell you on the type of rhodie the roo is as hadn't a clue there were two types.
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