Help needed!


Feb 4, 2017
Hi All,
I have a broody that has had four chicks hatch over the last few days. Unfortunately she snuck a couple of extra eggs in later without my knowledge and I am now dealing with a staggered hatch. Today the broody seems to have given up on the last egg and is up and about in her caged area with the chicks. The egg is visably wiggly and when I put it to my ear I can hear tapping and cheeping. This has been going on since last night. My question is: Will the chick be able to pip and get out if mumma hen is not keeping it warm? Should I be stepping in and assisting in any way?
Any help is appreciated!
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Hi All,
I have a broody that has had four chicks hatch over the last few days. Unfortunately she snuck a couple of extra eggs in later without my knowledge and I am now dealing with a staggered hatch. Today the broody seems to have given up on the last egg and is up and about in her caged area with the chicks. The egg is visably wiggly and when I put it to my ear I can hear tapping and cheeping. This has been going on since last night. My question is: Will the chick be able to pip and get out if mumma hen is not keeping it warm? Should I be stepping in and assisting in any way?
Any help is appreciated!
You need a Incubator NOW to save it---even if you can----That's why I never allow a staggered hatch, but we all gotta learn. The egg will not survive without heat and much needed moisture. She should be settled down for the night----you can stick it under her Or you can wash your under arm good and place it there for the night----I have heard of people doing that for one that is about to hatch.
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Thanks so much for the ideas and help. Here's an update (a happy one!!!)
I shoved the egg in my bra (like a crazy chicken lady would) whilst I rushed around trying to make an incubator. I ended up using an old seedling greenhouse container with a hot water bottle in the base. Put the egg on a damp napkin inside and placed the whole thing on a tower of objects to raise it enough to be under the lightbulb in the bedroom (I know...who on earth doesn't own a table lamp!!!??). The chick pipped and then I waited and waited. Finally it unzipped and got out of the shell by which time it was almost dark (I'm in Queensland Aus). So I raced it out and popped it under the mother hen who had settled for the night with her other chicks. Went and checked this morning and there the chick is! Fluffy and happy, eating chick starter with its siblings and (although a little smaller than the rest) acting like one of the bunch. Sooooo relieved.
I will NEVER let a broody steal extra eggs again! And I will always borrow an incubator at hatching time to have it there as a back up. It was very stressful and I think I'm just very lucky that it all ended well. The fact that Queensland is still experiencing very warm days (28C and 70% humidity) probably was the saving grace.
Anyway thanks again :) :)
Thanks so much for the ideas and help. Here's an update (a happy one!!!)
I shoved the egg in my bra (like a crazy chicken lady would) whilst I rushed around trying to make an incubator. I ended up using an old seedling greenhouse container with a hot water bottle in the base. Put the egg on a damp napkin inside and placed the whole thing on a tower of objects to raise it enough to be under the lightbulb in the bedroom (I know...who on earth doesn't own a table lamp!!!??). The chick pipped and then I waited and waited. Finally it unzipped and got out of the shell by which time it was almost dark (I'm in Queensland Aus). So I raced it out and popped it under the mother hen who had settled for the night with her other chicks. Went and checked this morning and there the chick is! Fluffy and happy, eating chick starter with its siblings and (although a little smaller than the rest) acting like one of the bunch. Sooooo relieved.
I will NEVER let a broody steal extra eggs again! And I will always borrow an incubator at hatching time to have it there as a back up. It was very stressful and I think I'm just very lucky that it all ended well. The fact that Queensland is still experiencing very warm days (28C and 70% humidity) probably was the saving grace.
Anyway thanks again :) :)

LOL. Great. The broody usually does not steal the eggs----other hens get in her nest and lay extra eggs----In order to set a broody-----first thing is to NEVER pass a nest that has a hen on it when you are collecting eggs or at least come back in a little while and get all the eggs even if she is still in the nest, every day, but if she is going broody and you want her to hatch----collect fresh eggs----that has Not been sit on all day---even if it takes you a few days---get her some eggs---big hen, usually a dozen is good----Mark them clearly if you are going to allow her to stay with the flock----place all the new eggs under her all at one time. Then every day remove any unmarked eggs, then when she hatches---usually all the eggs will hatch with-in 24 hours if each other----no staggered mess. Good Luck

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