Help! New baby chicks are dropping like flies!


The Chickeneer
9 Years
Jun 2, 2010
El Dorado County, California
I was gifted half a dozen healthy, gorgeous white crested black Polish hatchlings this past Wednesday. They all seemed to be so healthy and doing SO well. Well, between yesterday and today, 3 have just gotten weak, laid down, and died. A 4th is starting to exhibit some of the same symptoms.

They did have trouble understanding the concept of the nipple waterer the first day, but after the first chick died in case dehydration was the problem, I put a dish of water in the brooder with them in case she died from lack of water. They started drinking from that and seemed ok. Within a few hours of the first one dying, though, a second died, then this morning, a third one.

Do they need chick grit at this stage? I tend to prefer to let my broodies raise the chicks because they seem to have fewer health issues when the broodies do all the work. But my broodies have their own chicks right now.

Of note, I have two feed store chicks in the same brooder with these guys & they are only about 5 days older than the Polish chicks. They have zero symptoms.

What could be causing this?
Hmmm. I don't have much too offer, other then maybe they are too hot? You can tell they are hot if they are sitting far away from the light, if they are too cold they will all be dog-piled right underneath the light. It wouldn't hurt to add some Save-a-chick to their water. Good luck, keep us posted.
I was thinking they might not be warm enough. Cocci also crossed my mind. It wouldnt hurt to give them corid 9.6% liquid solution. Dosage is 9.5cc per gallon of water. Mix a gallon and withdraw enough from the gallon mixture and put it in their waterer to drink for 5 days.
I don't use a brooder light. They have an EcoGlow brooder to keep them warm. There is already Corid in the water, as we did lose a bird in the yard to cocci not too long ago, so everybody's getting Corid right now, even the chicks that have never been in the chicken yard.

I'm just heartsick.
If they dont drink it on their own, you might have to use an eyedropper and place a drop or two alongside their beak to let them drink it. You'll have to do that frequently to get enough of it in their system to stop the cocci protozoa. (If that's what it is) You should see improvement in about 3 days hopefully, but continue to the 5th day.
Thanks. That's what I am doing right now & she keeps flipping over and twisting her neck around. Unfortunately, I am also working today and tomorrow and can't sit here and hand-feed her every 15 minutes. I would if I could. I have given her a dropperful now, though, and she is much more vocal than she was earlier. She still can't get up, but her eyes are open & she's cheep-cheeping real loud. I'm gonna do the best I can with her and hope she gets better.
Thanks. That's what I am doing right now & she keeps flipping over and twisting her neck around. Unfortunately, I am also working today and tomorrow and can't sit here and hand-feed her every 15 minutes. I would if I could. I have given her a dropperful now, though, and she is much more vocal than she was earlier. She still can't get up, but her eyes are open & she's cheep-cheeping real loud. I'm gonna do the best I can with her and hope she gets better.
Flipping over and twisting her neck sounds more like a vitamin deficiency. Vitamin B complex might help. Here's a link regarding something similar, I'd start with vitamin B complex first though.
Well, we gave her vitamins and she did pretty good for a few hours, but eventually I had to go to sleep. When I got up this morning, she was worse than ever. She just passed about 10 minutes ago.

The good news is that no more of them are showing any signs or symptoms (knock on wood). I only have 2 left, but they are chirpy and seem fine. I will just watch them really closely.

Thank y'all for your help and advice.

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