Help! Now her butt is almost dragging on the ground


12 Years
Jun 21, 2007
I had posted this yesterday, but now her butt is almost touching the ground:

"I need advice on Sadie, my speckled sussex. Her eyes are clear, nostrils clear, but she's acting differently. I noticed she's staying off by herself, digging and acting otherwise normally 'til Thurs. I then noticed her sitting off by herself with her tail up in the air. Nothing unusual? I picked her up and her keel was VERY prominent, and she had lost weight. Yesterday when I went up to let them out, Sadie wouldn't come down off the perch. I thought maybe she had worms, so I wormed her. She DID come out eventually. This morning I went up and she's up on the roost again, everyone else is out. She was kinda talking to herself. I felt underneath her, and she started squirming. Could she be egg bound?
Now I noticed runny greenish brown poo. On second thought I don't think she is egg bound. I think something else is going on. Also, her single comb is not standing like it used to. The back part is kinda laying over. It is not blue or purple, but it ISN'T bright red. I gave her a scrambled egg and she ate it all. I also offered her some kefir, which she drank a little. I have her separated from the others, but she can still hear them.
What is going on? Any suggestions? I DO have some Baytril. Would that help?"
Sounds like there would be a good possibility she's egg-bound. If so, I'd give her a warm water bath soak.
What are signs that seem to indicate that's not the problem?

Re. comb color: Combs are pinkish (rather than red) a lot of the time on hens when they're in perfectly good health, so that might not be a sign of a problem with her.
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Well,I was afraid to go up to the coop this morning for fear Sadie would be dead. She wan't. Then I was afraid to go up at noon. She's still alive. I DID get her to eat some canned cat food, and her favorite treat. At least she's eating a little. Any chance it IS worms?
I wish I knew what is wrong

BTW, her comb is NOT bluish, it's just that the back of her comb is lying over, whereas it didn't before.

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