Help! One egg not hatched, I think I messed up!


5 Years
Apr 25, 2019
I had 4 chicken eggs. 3 hatched 24 hrs ago and 1 egg was left.

This morning there was no cheeping, movement or sign of pipping- so..... I opened the incubator.

Ahhhhhh the egg started cheeping and I saw a small pip.

Humidity dropped to 45% when I opened incubator and I’m so worried I will have either cause the membrane to dry out or the chick to malposition...

Any ideas if this baby still might be ok and if there is anything I can do to help it’s chances?
Put the lid back on and if needed, add water. Leave the lid on and watch or sleep. You may wake up to a healthy baby or not. It seems to me in the stories I’ve read here, the late ones don’t do as well as hoped, in many cases.
It will probably be OK but if it were me, I would wait 24 hours from that first external Pip, and if it had not made any more progress I would assist.

I have had plenty of chicks hatch a day or so later than the others. I have also had a few late chicks quit right at the end before starting to hatch. But if it has made it to external Pip it's chances are very good.

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