Help, our council is looking at our ordinence


12 Years
Feb 13, 2008
Our council is looking at maybe changing our animal ordinence at present they are looking to allow rabbits but not chickens. We had a Hiline hatchery come in a couple of years ago so it sounds like they might be a reason for the council to still ban chickens. Please send me any info, sample ordinences,etc. so that I may have some info to back up the argument for chickens. One of the articles I read in our newspaper said that rabbits don't cause illnesses and chickens do, I don't believe that.

Any help would be greatly appreciated
Hi- I'm from Arlington Va, where we are trying to change our zoning ordinances to allow for backyard hens. I'm involved with a group called The Arlington Egg Project- check out their website for lots of good information and ideas on how it can be done!

Here are some more links from BYC that should help get you started:

Good luck!
Thanks K3llyva i will use that info.
It is on the agenda for the next meeting in 2 weeks. Anyone else have additional ideas?

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