Help, our Rooster has somehow ripped his spur off


9 Years
Jan 16, 2011
Sperrassoville, OK
Our flock was out freeranging today and I went out to check on them and saw fresh blood drops on the back porch, not alot just like someone walked by dripping. I quickly made the rounds and checked everyone visually and noticed that our Rooster, Rory, had completly torn one of his spurs off! I have no idea what happened as I didnt hear and kind of commotion and I have looked everywhere that he could have gotten hung up and can't find anything. I didn't want to stress him by chasing him down in the yard so I just kept an eye on him and it quit bleeding pretty quickly and when we put everyone up for the night i checked him over and put some Neosporin on the wound... A round place where the spur was basically. His foot seemed fine and he didn't seem any worse for the wear but I need some input... Has anyone ever had this happen? What did you do? Did it heal ok? Did the spur grow back?
I have trimmed them before and they grew back but this one is GONE!

Thanks for your help
I would clean it up and maybe wrap it. As long as he doesn't seem to be in a lot of pain and is acting well, I would just leave be and let it heal. (By the way, what breed is the chicken in your profile picture?)

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