Help Out a Newbie!


In the Brooder
5 Years
Jun 22, 2014
I just ordered 6 chicks (hens), which will arrive mid-July. I want to make sure I have everything ready when they arrive! I have the basics, brooder, sand, heat lamp, feeder, waterer.

But are there other essentials? Meyer offered a bunch of stuff at check out that I didn't buy. Do you need to add anything to the baby chicks' food or water?

Do you have to put grit in the baby chicks' food or just when they are older?

I've done tons and tons of research, but any other advice would be appreciated! We are in suburban Southern California so I don't have many (any?) people to ask questions around here, and all my friends think I'm crazy! ;)
Hi !
Welcome to BYC and congrats on your new chicks. I put Poultry Nutri-Dench or Pet Nutri-Drops ( in my chicks water for the 1st 2 weeks to get them off to a strong start. You can use the same usage and dosage instructions for both products which are made by Bovidr Labs. This nutritional supplement doesn't need digesting. Mainlines directly to the bloodstream. Excellent for combating stress of any kind and giving the chicks that extra boost.
How to Deal With Travel Stress ( or Stress in General) in Baby Chicks
Give one drop by mouth per chick on arrival. Then one more drop every 8-10 hours, if needed. For maintenance: 2cc's per gallon in the water. The Poultry and Pet formulas can be used interchangeably with same usage or dosage instructions per a conversation I had with the science techs at Bovid Labs. Tractor Supply has the best price 7.-10. a bottle. The 4 oz. bottle at this price is plenty for your chicks.
Grit is also important too. We feed grit to help the birds develop a strong healthy gizzard. When they are grown, this can result in as much as 20% more eggs from your layers. Here is an article about how to feed grit.
The Science Of Feeding Grit To Poultry
Your chicks will also enjoy a treat of plain yogurt. It's good for their digestive system.
Best Regards,
Karen and the Light Sussex
in western PA, USA

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