Help! Panting in gosling getting worse, she is now sneezing too

Also right now we do about 45 minutes in the bathtub in the mornings. We could try to do a bath at night as well.
Also right now we do about 45 minutes in the bathtub in the mornings. We could try to do a bath at night as well.
As long as she doesn't appear to get tired. 45 mins floating is one thing but if she is trying to swim with one leg that maybe too long, your there though so you be the judge.

As for the breathing seems all of us whether animal or human have more problems at night with breathing if we have something going on either a cold or asthma or other kind of breathing problems, maybe it has something to do with barometric pressure

I'd look up symptoms of Asper before giving her an antibiotic, it's brooder pneumonia so I'd think the symptoms would be the same as pneumonia, fluid in the lungs. Hopefully lifting her off her body for a bit will help.

And if it ever comes to the place you feel you need to put her down try calling your vet and see if they would do it, it would be so much less traumatic for her and you than chopping off her head which I understand is not easy with water fowl.
Hopefully it won't come to this .
Have you tried making a sort of hammock type thing for in her box? Where she could get the weight off herself and have her legs dangle? Maybe something like that would help too? I'm thinking outside the box here, but I've known of similar things used with other critters and humans as a physical therapy to lessen the weight for awhile and it's worked to help improve their breathing and quality of life. I'm actually pretty crafty and would be happy to try and help you come up with a design of something that would help her, if you'd like.
We bought a laundry hamper and modified it to make a hammock for her. We had a few mishaps with it but the breathing is better today, whether the hammock is the reason or something else. It is not perfect though, she still pants most of the day but at a lesser intensity. We did not do holes for the legs yet, we figured we'd try just a plain hammock first and go from there. If you are very crafty, maybe you could help us sewing a hammock or two with good holes for the legs. Sewing is not something I can do at all. ^_^;;
We bought a laundry hamper and modified it to make a hammock for her. We had a few mishaps with it but the breathing is better today, whether the hammock is the reason or something else. It is not perfect though, she still pants most of the day but at a lesser intensity. We did not do holes for the legs yet, we figured we'd try just a plain hammock first and go from there. If you are very crafty, maybe you could help us sewing a hammock or two with good holes for the legs. Sewing is not something I can do at all. ^_^;;

You could go to the pet store and buy hammocks the make for parrots and rats that have loop holes for hanging and just cut holes in them! We have a ton here.
Geese will pant if they are stressed as well. Maybe she is not feeling well, I think that floating in the water more will help.
Call any Vet. School, they all have Avian Dr.'s. I would call several of them and see if they all say the same thing. I don't know where you live, so go online and search vet schools. They usually have several schools in a state.

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