Help! Pasty Butt

I have a 3-day old RIRed who had a bad case of pasty butt...she is very weak...we cleaned off her butt, and tried to give her some fresh water via dropper. She seemed to choke it up. Could she be choking? I think she seems a little impacted as well. I really am not sure she's going to make it. OK, now she just pooped! Praise be. I am trying to baby her, holding her to keep her warm. Any other advice? Thanks, this thread is a life-saver. We are chick virgins, so we need all the help we can get!

Kristen--grandma to 25 babies, 11 biggies, 2 evil dogs, and mom to 3 daughters including Allison, 16-year old chicken momma.
I'm having some trouble with my new chicks as well. There are 47 of them, so I sure hope they don't ALL get pasty-butt! I will try the vaseline and maybe baby wipes &/or peroxide suggestions. They are on their second day in the brooder and about 6 or 7 are having trouble, tho all seem healthy and active otherwise. I'm going to try acidophilus powder on the food, already gave them scrambled egg mixed with gro-gel (which they loved). I put in a saucer of sand, per someone's suggestion, and they seem to love it. When should I start giving them chick grit?
we started this thing after we got pasty butt where every morning for about a week we put a small amount of probiotic into their feed, and then we went to every other morning, and now its just once a week. also, to stave off pink eye and such i've started putting a little powdered kelp into their feed every morning. It helps that I have an insider in the health store business
Between the egg, oatmeal, acidophilus and a box of sand my chicks got over their pasty butt in no time! They are getting so big, and such good fliers! I was surprised by their ability to launch themselves from the top of the feeders and fly the length of the brooder (10 feet). We had to raise the walls for fear of escapes.
Anyway, thanks all for the good advice. As for the egg devouring mini-raptors, I had to start scattering the eggs to prevent a rumble and so that the less dominant ones would have a chance at some.
So do you need to wash it off or not? Can you just feed them an egg and some yogurt and it will take care of itself? I have one chick with pasty butt that happens to be my favorite and I really don't want her to die!
OK. Thank you. I'm not even sure if she has pasty butt anymore. She has lots of poop on her rear, but when I was feeding her some egg yolk, she pooped! Is it like my dogs when they are lazy and get a "poo-poo pattie?" Can I just snip it off and be done with it and feed her yogurt and stuff to keep it from coming back? Thanks for the advice.

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