Help! Pasty Butt

Miss Lydia... my sister likes to EAT them. So she buys chicks at the farm store, grows 'em up, and eventually she has them for dinner. She got this particular batch from Orscheln's and the kid that was working when she bought them was horrified that she was going to eat them. He followed her to the check out counter and informed the girl at the register of her intentions as well. You'd think she was going to bring them home and fry them up that night or something. What did he think folks would do with those chickens? Keep every one as pets?

britlitgal... there's a lot les mess to clean up too. It all goes down the drain. :)

...and I need to update my signature. The chicks are no longer pasty butts and I have a new dog.
I've always dipped there bottoms in a dish of warm water, which they seem to like, then use my finger to gently swish the area until it dissolves. Be sure the area is completely dry before returning them to the brooder. I've even gone so far at to use a hairdryer on a low setting.
I bought 8 rhode islands - 4 red and 4 white. The reds are thriving. The whites are sluggish. I gave all chicks water with vitamin powder when i first brought them home. After that, i used plain water. It's been two days, and I had a RI white chick pass away last night. She had a ball of poop on her bottom and i cleaned her off but she became sluggish, wouldn't eat, drink etc.. and we lost her. I researched your forum and found that she may have been constipated with Pasty Butt. I checked the remaining chicks and found another RI white chick with pasty butt. I cleaned her vent and put olive oil on her bottom. I noticed the RI whites don't have the same appetite as the RI reds. I ground their medicated feed and mixed in boiled egg yolk and a little plain yogurt - it was like a grainy mash. They like egg, but won't touch their feed once i mix in yogurt. Is there anything else i can use to 'soften' things up for them? Sand? I appreciate any suggestions!
There was another poster talking about the same problem, they suggested sand and another said they use ground up oatmeal added to their feed can't remember the ratio though. Try posting on raising baby chicks and see if someone over there can help you. sorry for your loss and hope you can get it resovled, oh yeah by the way another suggestion was getting chick grit, but don't put it in the feed just sprinkle around the brooder..
and keep us posted.
I'm so glad to have found this thread......I have 5 day old araucana chicks that I hatched from shipped eggs and they are all pasting up pretty bad.....some are impacted, I've to go in gently to remove poop. I'm a nervous wreck.....don't want to lose them! I've given them molasses in water and drops of cod liver oil. I'm going to switch to ACV which I give to all my other chickens and didn't think to try probiotic.....also will try eggs and maybe some fine sand. Thanks for all the tips.....luckily I'm off from work for a few days so I hope I can get it fixed.
Well they are still with me. One seems OK and pooping a bit. They are eating and drinking a little. Not interested in yogurt...they just stepped in it. Taking a little play sand...have ACV and polyvisol in water. I just keep checking their little butts every few hours and I still have to pull stuff out of 2 of them. One looks like she has a little prolapse, too. I'm trying to stay calm and get through it but I'm really worried.

Oh yeah...they have probiotic in food and they weren't interested in eggs either.....
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