Help. Pekin duck can't poop?!


8 Years
Feb 24, 2011
Am I the only one with this problem?! I google search and all I find is "My duck won't stop pooping!"

So I've noticed my female hasn't been very active lately, she just sits or waddles softly as if to not get hurt :( her behind seems to be what's bothering her because she can't poop.. She hasn't been sitting on her nest either so I'm starting to get a little worried.

Is there anything that can be done?!
I don't want to think its a burst intestine or a broken egg inside of her :,(
She's been my baby for 3 years and it hurts me to see her hurting/uncomfortable

Is there anything I can give her that will make her poop?

Could it also be the change in weather? These past few days here in California the weather has been transitioning from summer to fall and it's getting a little colder than usual.. My drake seems to be active tho... Ahh
daidyducks, sad to read she is having difficulty.

Have you given her a half hour or more in a lukewarm tub deep enough to float in? She may have a stuck egg (be egg bound), and that can cause trouble. I had to take Sechs to the vet last spring when she had a prolapse, and an egg stuck inside her oviduct. Others on the forum have been able to treat their ducks at home.

But I have read that a good start is a long warm time in the tub. You might also be able to get a better look at her behind, which is probably a very good thing to do right now. Some KY jelly around the vent to lubricate it might help.

In case it's an egg problem, I found notes in Storey's Guide under Oviduct, Eversion of the.

Overmating can cause problems, you may want to separate her from the drake for a while.

From the Duck Forum, I scribbled a note that azhenhouse would give warm baths (not with soap, but you know that . . . just in case some new folks read this, a bath is just water) and then follow them up with either Preparation H or honey. She kept them in the dark, in a quiet, warm place. Sometimes antibiotics are needed to prevent infection.

On the other hand, could she have swallowed something that is blocking her lower g.i.? In that case, the vent lubrication might help, I am not sure but I will suggest you look into whether just a little bit of molasses might help loosen things up so she can pass it. If it's a hard object, that may require a vet's help.

If you can get her to a vet, that is the best. I understand we cannot always do that.
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Thank you for your response! I bathed her like you said and she seemed to have liked it because she became very active afterwards since she got to relax for a bit.

I haven't tried KY but I will have my husband help me! :) thank you lots!

She hasn't released anything yet (shell or whatever it is) so I'm still a bit worried. I have noticed that she has yellow goo on her feathers down under so I'm leaning more towards the cracked egg :(

I've looked for many vets that will see my ducks whenever I run into something but haven't found one. So that's also gonna take some time :/

But I really do appreciate your post, it helped a lot!! Thank you
Keep up with the baths. If it is a cracked egg, I pray it is one without a shell. Be easy with her, as I am sure you already are - just in case there is some shell to pass.

We have been blessed in that no one so far has had a shelled egg stuck or cracked inside. But the baths should help her move gently, and that may help move things along her oviduct. I would consider a vet, as I mentioned before, but if that is not an option, I would hold in the back of my mind the possibility of antibiotics if it appears there has been any injury internally.You might give her a little comfrey leaf tea - just a teaspoon of comfrey in a cup of water, and cooled, of course. It's a folk remedy, and you need to feel right about it so this is just an idea for you to research and consider - - - comfrey is said to help with internal injuries. Sometimes I toss these non-conventional ideas out in case it helps.

As I always suggest, extra vitamins, electrolytes and probiotics to boost the immune system.


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