Help please. Goose egg question.


Apr 4, 2021
My three geese are all sitting on a nest of about 14. They have been sitting a long time. I didn’t write down the exact date they started sitting, but it feels like too long.
So today, I went and took one egg to candle it. It’s hard to see very much detail bc the shell is so thick, but it looked correct with the air cell. I put it in the incubator with some chicken eggs I’m hatching to keep an eye on it.
I candled it again tonight after it got dark so I could inspect it a bit closer and look for movement. Now, the air cell looks different. It has two peaks, and if you shift the egg the darkness with move with gravity to whichever side is tilted.
The air cell still looks intact, it just looks like the darkness (gosling) is like falling into it? I wasn’t able to see movement. Did I kill this baby? Could the egg have already been dead and rotten?
It's hard to say without seeing it myself, but it could be drawing down (bigger air cell) to prepare for hatching in 2-3 days.
Or it could be rotten... its hard to say without a picture or video....

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