HELP PLEASE! Hen not eating on her own 2 weeks after dog attack


7 Years
Mar 29, 2012
Hi there!

My favorite hen who is 2 years old was attacked by my dog when she got her head through the fence of her pen. At the time it happened, I was able to stop it and she was obviously in shock. The only injury I could see was that one side of her face was bruised and swollen. I took her inside to the basement and put her in a cage. Gave her water and food and at this point she was eating and drinking on her own. After 2 days of this and walking around and acting normal, she stopped eating on her own. I have been force feeding her mashed up feed, yogurt and water. I do this roughly every 4 to 5 hours. She did lay 2 eggs in the first few days after the attack. Now, she will walk around some but will stop and seems to fall asleep. To keep her moving a bit, I will swish her tail feathers or pat her.

How long should I do this? Could she have brain damage? I don't want to cull her but I just can't see doing this forever and she has not laid for about a week. As I said, this attack happened 2 weeks ago tomorrow (Friday).

Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated!
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bumping this to see if anyone has any advice for me....this is my first post but this is the site I come to for all of my information!
I wish I could help you...but have no idea! I suppose brain damage is one possibility - could have occurred from swelling. Could be something was broken in the process - but since she ate initially, I'm not sure that's it either! I'm not sure how long I'd go on force-feeding her. You're best option may be to cull her. I'm really sorry. Dogs think they have a new play toy...<sigh> I've had my mother's dog attack my girls before and it was just to play, but it's terrifying for the girls, and they get hurt so easily.
If you don't want to cull her you should take her to a vet. She probably has an abscess (pocket of infection) from a puncture wound from the dogs teeth. When an animal gets bitten bacteria on the surface of the animal, the biting animals mouth and surrounding area get into the puncture wound. If it is small it closes up quickly and the bacteria grows under the surface of the skin. This can cause all kinds of problems that is why it is important to clean a fresh wound and give antibiotics to prevent infection. Infection can make an animal feel terrible and they won't want to eat or move around very much. Good luck with her.
Along with what JosieChick said.. I suppose that at this point it wouldn't hurt to start a round of Penicillin IM 1/2cc for 4 days. If there's an abcess, then this might help. Good luck!!
I'm brand new but one of my chickens was Scalped by a hawk. She also refused to eat or drink while she was in the house. I got desperate so I moved her kennel into the run with the rest of the flock. She immediately began eating. She stayed in the kennel for a month while she healed and seemed to be much happier.
Need help. My dog attacked one of my chickens. She appears to have an injured leg but I do not see any other injuries. She pooped the next day but has not pooped all day today. I am having to give her water. She will take it out if my hand but can't get her to eat. My first instinct is take her to get tomorrow. Just need advice. Her sister was killed so I know she is in mourning. We only had 2 of them so she is by herself. I have been going out there at least once every few hours and spend time with her. Any advise would be greatly appreciated
Need help. My dog attacked one of my chickens. She appears to have an injured leg but I do not see any other injuries. She pooped the next day but has not pooped all day today. I am having to give her water. She will take it out if my hand but can't get her to eat. My first instinct is take her to get tomorrow. Just need advice. Her sister was killed so I know she is in mourning. We only had 2 of them so she is by herself. I have been going out there at least once every few hours and spend time with her. Any advise would be greatly appreciated
Meant take to to vet first instinct. Dang autocorrect
Need help. My dog attacked one of my chickens. She appears to have an injured leg but I do not see any other injuries. She pooped the next day but has not pooped all day today. I am having to give her water. She will take it out if my hand but can't get her to eat. My first instinct is take her to get tomorrow. Just need advice. Her sister was killed so I know she is in mourning. We only had 2 of them so she is by herself. I have been going out there at least once every few hours and spend time with her. Any advise would be greatly appreciated

I would bring her inside and keep her in a warm, dim place (like a bathroom or garage). They do go into shock, so providing warmth and security in a time when she's mentally freaking out will help a lot. I'm sure you did, but did you give her a thorough examination from beak to tail for any other injuries?

What type of injury is it on her leg? Depending on her wound, you may have to make a chicken sling if she's limping. Pictures of the wound always help.

Let us know!

I would bring her inside and keep her in a warm, dim place (like a bathroom or garage). They do go into shock, so providing warmth and security in a time when she's mentally freaking out will help a lot. I'm sure you did, but did you give her a thorough examination from beak to tail for any other injuries?

What type of injury is it on her leg? Depending on her wound, you may have to make a chicken sling if she's limping. Pictures of the wound always help.

Let us know!


She can stand on it but wobbles when she walks and not wanting to walk. She can stand up on her own. I will take a pic when day time. I don't see any puncture wounds off hand. Her tail feathers are gone but I do not see puncture wounds. I put her in her nesting box at night because darker there.

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