HELP PLEASE! Hen not eating on her own 2 weeks after dog attack

When you investigate her leg, gently manipulate at each joint. At the "ankle," hock, and hip.

See if articulation causes her to flinch or display signs of discomfort. Again, GENTLY!!!

If there are no visible injuries to her leg, I'd make her a chicken sling, so she can "stand" but get off her leg. <~~ Check that out.

I would mix a little water/turmeric paste (so it will stick) to her feed. It will reduce inflammation, if she has any. Do you feel it's possible her leg is broken? If that's the case, you can add a splint with the chicken sling and it should heal with a little time and TLC.

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Put another one with her? I know the birds in our small flock get some serious seperation anxiety if they can't see the others for just a few minutes.
Put another one with her? I know the birds in our small flock get some serious seperation anxiety if they can't see the others for just a few minutes.

I would keep them separate. Maybe put a teddy bear in with her, but nothing that would disturb her or force her to move more than she needs to.

They'll be okay.


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