Help please! Just noticed I have the wrong feed.

Highland Peach

In the Brooder
8 Years
Mar 17, 2011
Hi. I have 7 three week old chicks and I'm a newbie. I was feeding them medicated crumbles but just noticed (after cutting the bag open of course) that my latest purchase from the feed store has actually turned out to be regular chicken feed. I was holding crumbles when I asked the clerk about a bigger bag and that is what he loaded in my car. That'll teach me, haste makes waste. Anyway, I looked on the company's website and cannot find any info. It's Southern States feed for "Layers and Broilers." I don't even really want that brand ... So, after my rant - sorry - is it okay to give this to young chicks until I can get by the store to purchase something different? I'm worried as I will have difficulty getting by there before Friday. Thanks so much for your help!
When I first brought my chicks home I bougth large bag of chick starter (non medicated) and a small bag of medicated, intending to feed only non medicated unless there was a problem. I found that they had the runs, so started them on the medicated. Runs cleared right up. But that was a small bag, so went back for more and they were out. Mixed some medicated with the regular feed and they are doing fine, however when I eliminate the medicated feed completely, they get runny again. They are 6 weeks old.

Don't know if that was very helpful tho, Good luck,

Lindon, UT
Thank you so much for your quick answers. I am on the east coast and I'm ready for bed.
I'll fill the feeder, go to bed and run by the feed store Friday. Thanks again!
The biggest issue with using layer feed would be the higher calcium content, you can always mix other goodies in with the feed, like cooked eggs, chopped vegies, whole grain bread (try giving them a whole slice and see what happens). This would dilute the calcium some until you can get more chick feed.
I am such a newbie! I looked all over the bag and found zero info. Finally, I noticed a "hang tag" on the bottom of the bag (it was sitting on it.) It reads "Start-n-Grow Medicated, a complete starter feed for meat and egg type chicks." Duh! I'm sorry for the trouble, I'm on the learning curve.

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