Help Please - Khaki Campbell Drake Losing Balance!

Apr 18, 2019
North Warwickshire, UK
Hi Everyone - I am new to Backyard Chickens. Please can I ask for some help! My 9 month old Khaki Campbell drake was off colour 2 days ago and I took him to the vet yesterday morning. He is not eating or drinking on his own and he had a VERY high temperature. He is okay if sitting down but loses his balance when he tries to walk - his tail end comes up and he over-balances and struggles. Vet thinks its the high temp but unsure what's wrong with him. He's on anti-inflam pain killers and anti-biotics - but I'm worried. No nasal or vent discharge and the rest of the flock are okay. He's in a warm shed with straw on his own and I am giving him syringed water. I've seen some great help on this site - please can someone advise? I want to do the best for my boy - I hand hatched him on the 4th July last year! Thank you all
:welcome the vet thinks it some kind of infection? could he have possibly gotten into something toxic or ingested metal? Tubing warm water would keep him dehydrated better than syringe feeding. Let me get you some info.

This is the best we have and gives info on how to care for one that is sick. Looks like you have that covered but also on giving meds and tube feeding.
Thanks so much Miss Lydia! Yes - vet thought it was an infection due to the temp but unsure where as no obvious signs on him. I had hoped for a bit of improvement this morning but he's just the same and I'm getting worried. No runny poops or blood or nasal discharge. She thought that the balance loss was due to the high temp? Could be respiratory infection? Nothing obvious in terms of toxic or metal to ingest, although you never really know if they are free range (and mine absolutely are)
Morning All - hope you all had a lovely Easter break? So my Khaki drake (Grockle) is a little better - eating, drinking and pooping. Still under house arrest in the shed. He's perkier and doesn't look so poorly. BUT - his balance is still a bit off. Looks like he walks on tips toes with his tail up high as if he's trying not to over balance. Any guidance guys? Suspect back to the vet tomorrow - but it's SO EXPENSIVE at my vet! B
I know vets are extremely expensive but since you started with one and with good reason I’d def see this through especially since your seeing improvement. Which sounds promising. As far as balance that may take awhile ask the vet about letting him swim that can help with balance and strengthening his legs. What ever has been going on with your drake was serious but sounds like he is getting over it. Please let us know what the vet says.

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