Help please what breed?


In the Brooder
6 Years
Mar 14, 2013

Can someone tell me what breed this is. I was at a swap meet and loved the coloring of the Tom but just could not get him and leave his mate behind. And she is so beautiful. I asked the seller and put the information in my phone and my phone did a automated update and I lost ALL my information. I took it to verizen and they were able to retrieve some of my lost info but the info on my turkey's was not part of that. This is my first time getting turkeys and I want to learn about the breed.

The seller told me he kept them with his goats and that they were very tame as he saw me looking at the black and white turkey's the Royal Palm Turkey and said they tend to be aggressive. I had done some reading up on turkey's before I went to the swap meet and had read that they were actually non aggressive. I know he was most likely trying to sell his turkeys and they were healthy looking and he had photos of them with his kids and at his place AND I really did like their looks. And wanted to give them a good home. I will get the Royal Palms sometime later. I think these are domestic but not sure they kinda looked like the bronze turkey well the male does from what I found on line but again I would love to know for sure. Thank you for your time. If anyone needs a better picture please let me know... The face and back of the neck area are a very pretty blue.
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She looks like a Narragansett turkey.
Thank you very much any idea about the Tom?

I just looked that breed up online and they both look like that thanks again so much
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The tom looks standard bronze. The hen is kind of narragansetty looking, but it doesn't seem quite right. Do you have a better profile shot of the hen?
The tom looks standard bronze. The hen is kind of narragansetty looking, but it doesn't seem quite right. Do you have a better profile shot of the hen?
I will try and get one thanks for helping. I am sick with flue right now how is this heat I got that is beyond me I will get the shot as soon as I can. Again thank you.

Lagerdogger are these any better? I do not care if they are mix breeds I think they are beautiful and I really like them I just thought it would be good to know. And my phone went in for repairs and they could not retrieve the information so I lost all the man who sold them to me said that I took notes on. They are very tame do not come up to me like he said they would be do not run away when I walk in . The Tom tolerates my one goat trying to pull his tail feathers out and eat them. But the goat gets bored trying to keep up with the Tom as he walks away.
Thanks for your time
Well, the tom is clearly a bronze with nice barred wings. The hen is strange looking. Does she have wings??? The front half looks narragansett but the back just looks...fluffy.

This picture (although not the greatest) shows two characteristics of narragansetts. The secondary feathers (the wing feathers that cover the back) are light, and may be lightly speckled. The wing coverts (the patch at the front of the wing) are solid grey with black edges. You can see this in the bird in the front, and even better on the bird in the back. These are both golden narragannsetts so the grey is light tan, but other than that they look like regular narragansetts.

On your bird, I don't see any wing feathers at all!

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Thank you so much I will check the wing feathers. she is very pretty I think I have not see on one like her BUT I am not a turkey novice. I will try to get photos of her wings. Good to know about the Tom is is very nice looking also.
Have a great Sunday.

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