Help please!


Sorry for your loss. You are the only one who can answer that question. You can give up, or you can take a good hard look at your coop and figure out how to beef it up to help keep predators out in the future. (The Coop & Run Design section of the forum is GREAT for finding ideas.) Chicken keeping has a steep learning curve, and unfortunately we usually learn after we've lost birds. Are you willing to strengthen your coop? Can you handle more losses? (Sometimes they drop dead for seemingly no reason; sometimes, no matter how Fort Knox-like your coop is, something finds its way in; sometimes they get diseases...) Chicken keeping is a great hobby, but it does have its heartaches at times. 

A side note: when I was a kid we were down to one chicken when we moved to the suburbs, where chickens were not kept. That hen has decided she was a rooster after the last attack that had taken the other, so she crowed loudly! We ended up making her a run with a little shelter, but every night we would open her gate and she would run to our back door, hop up the steps, eat a little of the dog's food and then let us carry her to the basement to spend the night in a dog crate away from predators and where the neighbors wouldn't hear her.
She lived to be 10 years old! There are lots of creative solutions out there, like the PP said you just have to decide if you are willing to deal with the heartache. Even after our recent chicken loss I find I can't stand the thought of not having chickens!
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