Help please?


9 Years
Oct 23, 2010
My mom and I are keen to hatch out our own chicks next year from our own eggs. But we are not totally sure what to do. Do we just leave the cockrel in the hutch witht eh hens and he gets on 'with things', or do we keep him separate? Thanks in advance!!

CluckyChicken xxx
I'm hatching my first batch of eggs, and I can tell you most of them are fertile. My roo has just lived with the girls. He helps guard them and takes care of them. You can still eat them even if the roo is in there with them. If you put him in there soon you can start looking at your eggs before you cook them and see if they are fertilized. That would let you know your fertility level..

But there are a lot of people on here a lot more experienced than me.

Your Roo should live with his girls! A good roo will do much more than just "get on with things"
He will call his girls over when he finds a juicy tidbit, he will warn them if something is wrong, he will cheer them on when they lay an egg, he will keep them all together and in general keep them safe and protected... he will even give up his life if it will give them time to get away. A good Roo is a blessing to have! Good Luck with your Spring hatching!
agree with what has been said!

my australorp rooster is a godsend for his laides, he warns them if any flying predators are around while free ranging and they hide, he calls them over for yummy tidbits and watches them enjoy, he stops them fighting amongst themselves when i add in new ladies, he is such a wonderful gentlemen! my ladies will never be without a rooster after witnessing how wonderful a good rooster is!
Thanks so much! I was so worried that they would fight, or ingnore eachother- never have had a cockrel before!
Thanks guys,

CC xxxx

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