Help please!


8 Years
Jul 8, 2011
Eastern Iowa
OK so mother hen has been sitting on a few eggs, I went out this morning to feed and water everyone and lo and behold one of the babies hatched!! So exciting as this is my first go at letting her sit. She was still sitting on the rest of the eggs when I went into the coop but the baby was in the middle of the floor sqeeking. The baby seems fine just tired but Im worried about it. She doesn't seem to be to intrested in the baby. What should I do to help the baby? Should I bring it in and put him under the brooder lamp where I can take care of it or just leave it to mama to figure it out and possibly lose the baby? Any help would be greatly appricated :) Oh I already took the rooster out and he is in his own pin, I was worried he would peck the baby to death.
Well, people say "Mother hens know exactly what to do" but, I don't agree with that :/ I think I should be "A mother hen knows what to do IF she wants to" Because I've heard some stories of mother hens pecking a chick to DEATH :hmm So I would suggest to go get the chick and put him/her in a brooder :) Good luck! -Haley-

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