help please

How's duckling doing this morning?
Geez 2dz, you're as suspenseful as a duck hatching

Yeah good advice people. Wait and leave alone is usually best.

It's really awful the suspense of first time duck expecting. I freaked out way worse than you. And so do most people. I'm surprised that's not made clear when you read about incubation. Ducks aren't punctual, and hatch start and finIsh days are rarely the same.

It's an extreme version of going into labor. Yes, the baby is coming, but not yet. Pace in the waiting room smoking lol.

Something cool that make me feel better, is listening careful. You hear them mining, tapping, literally tons of little egg shell taps. You'll know they're working, and hard. Hatching ain't easy
Well one died the other on still in the same position I think it's shrink wrapped I don't know what to do
Ok what am I suppose to do about this one in the same spot as last night but looks like it still has blood and most likely yolk to absorb day33
Ok what am I suppose to do about this one in the same spot as last night but looks like it still has blood and most likely yolk to absorb day33
Is it still peeping and working on getting out? if so just leave it alone in the bator it's head is out enough for it to get air right. They need to finish absorbing blood vessels and yolk it takes a while. Doesn't matter what day it is ducks don't count the days.
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Sorry to hear about the loss. I agree with Miss Lydia on the above. That little one needs time now, just keep that membrane around it damp. I use a wet q-tip to dampen the exposed membrane as needed and keep the humidity in there at around 70% if you can. Remember what I said in my previous post, I've had a duckling take 4 DAYS to complete the hatch and it was fine. It hatched by itself too :)

Looking at that pic, the little one won't have a problem getting out of the shell, so make sure it doesn't attempt to hatch before it's ready. If it does try, wrap a damp cloth around it and place it upright in a cup, or a short glass and put it back in the incubator. Make sure it's 100% done absorbing all the yolk and that all the blood vessels retracted before you let it hatch. This may take until tomorrow, be prepared for that.

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