Help PLS Sick pullet? Vent clean, she's squatting down all the time,


10 Years
Jan 6, 2010
21 week old BA (Jade) she's the sweetest girl of my 8. Not positive but believed she had started laying recently. Today she is not with it at all. When I let the flock out of the run to do yard work with me; I noticed she was squatting down all the time. I checked her vent and it's super clean, felt all around it pushing a little and felt nothing. Checked the other two birds I know are laying and if anything Jade's vent is better. She returned to the run and squatted down in a corner. She's eating, eyes clear, feathers shiney, has a good attitude. When I brought the flock back to the run via the ole scratch tease, she rose up, ate some scratch then squatted down again....repeated this several times.
Could she be getting ready to lay her first egg and is confused?
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if has already started laying, she might be eggbound. you can try sitting her in some warm water, and gently rubbing some mineral oil in/around her vent to see if that induces her to lay. good luck!

I'm not positive that she is or isn't laying. I felt as deep as I could around her vent and felt nothing solid at all.
Not wanting to do an illegal bump here. But I'm a bit worried and in hopes that some folks with more experience can comment on my birds issue.
thanks in advance for any input
Another self-bump....sorry
Hoping my post catches someone's eye that can shed some light on the issue. My BA (Jade) seems about the same today. She's eating and alert, but still squatting all the time.
I had one of my hens do this before. She was egg bound, so, I'm guessing your Jade is too. I took my hen inside for 3 days and left her alone in a crate with food and water and she plopped the egg right out after being left alone and not tampered with. Of course, my hen had laid before, she was very stressed, not sure if Jade has the same thing, but, if its worked its worth a try, no?
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she seems a bit more active this afternoon when everyone was let out of the run to do yard work. I had my son hold her and I checked her vent and probed around it again (not in it) and pushed....didn't feel anything that felt like a hung egg....
If it is a hung egg; would it be close to the vent opening...where it could be felt?

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