Help!! Possible Cocci and Swelled Crop/Sour Crop? Pics attached


May 31, 2023
On Saturday I noticed one of my silkies had a swollen crop, not hard, balloon like. She has had ACV in her water since, I’ve given her some warm water mixed with veg oil, massaging her crop whenever I get a chance from neck to breast, and started monistat on Monday 2x a day. Monday I noticed two of my bird were pooping blood, went and purchased Corid and mixed 2 tsp per gallon and it remains their only water source, mixed fresh daily. Today I noticed my tiniest chick has a swollen crop and is lethargic, not eating or drinking, and has been huddled under my silkie since I pulled her out to isolate her this morning. When I massage her crop she has some clear non-odor liquid gurgling into her beak. My silkies crop is also still swelled but she is acting normal. Please someone help! What else can I do? I attached some photos of the poo and baby chick. 🥺


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