HELP - preparing for a probably power outage!


9 Years
Mar 5, 2011
Berthoud, CO
Hi everyone. We are being slammed with heavy snow this morning and I'm worried sick about the power going out. I currently have two incubators running with my first set of guinea eggs on day 12. They are currently in my closet, in this used-to-be snake cage.

There's a door with plexiglass on it that I can close to trap some heat in there, and I could probably find some blankets/throws to put in there for insulation as well..

So, what should I do other than that? I'm so nervous that the power will go out. I know that incubators can retain their heat for a little while so I will absolutely not open them by any means. The octagon I can take off the autoturn cradle and hand turn the whole incubator but the mini will just have to wait to be turned, I will not risk opening the incubator and losing valuable heat.

Any tips or recommendations would be greatly appreciated. And FAST please.. I just don't know how soon it could/would go off.

Thank you all so much.
If your extra nervous, you can purchase a thing that is basically a battery backup.. They sell them for computers and such.. Most electronic stores have them... Essentially you just plug it into the wall, plug your bators into it.. It charges and if power goes out it will keep power to your bators with the battery.. Temperary, but a couple hours could be the difference between disaster and success
That would be wonderful except I'm afraid I'm snowed in. There's about 8 inches on the ground already and it's still coming down hard. I may have to look into that for the future, though, thank you for the suggestion!
With that much snow, this time lf year, i have to assume your from someplace that snow isnt uncommon.. No generator?? If not i highly recommend one for the future
With that much snow, this time lf year, i have to assume your from someplace that snow isnt uncommon.. No generator?? If not i highly recommend one for the future

Yep, good old Colorado. I had been looking into getting a generator with my dad, but he has other projects on his plate so that was postponed a little. He doesn't know much about them, so I think he was in the process of researching them but got side-tracked by other things. I have no idea.

Nope, we have an electric stove. Great idea though.
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If you have a way to make a fire (even a BBQ pit) or fireplace put a brick in it, heat it up, carefully remove the brick and wrap it up with a towel and place it in the incubator for heat. Repeat as often as you have to. I hope everything turns out right!
If you have a way to make a fire (even a BBQ pit) or fireplace put a brick in it, heat it up, carefully remove the brick and wrap it up with a towel and place it in the incubator for heat. Repeat as often as you have to. I hope everything turns out right!
GREAT idea. We do have a fireplace and some bricks outside. Thanks so much!

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