help pros and cons of a covered chicken run and tips for the cold


Apr 30, 2018
Im going to build a coop for my new chickens and just wanted to no if i should build a covered run and what advantages there are over a open run. i am going to get call ducks and probably will not clip there wings and i heard that thy can fly really well. and if a covered run helps prevent birds of pray geting them? and tips on chickens in the cold.
The two main benefits would be raptor protection but also keeping the run dry. It could end up being a muddy mess if you get much rain, but especially with waterfowl.
I have no idea where you live or what your climate is but for 95% of people, one needs to do nothing special for chickens in cold. Chickens are outdoor animals developed in some cold climates from jungle fowl which are adaptable to a wide range of climates. And they go to bed at night wearing their down coats.
Roosts need to be wide enough for chickens to be able to cover their toes at night.
Keep ventilation wide open. Cold doesn't kill chickens but bad air and heat do.
We have a 15' x 30' run attached to the coop. The top and sides are chicken wire with small hardware cloth on the bottom 2 feet. It has a chicken wire apron covered with rocks, since rocks are free and plentiful where we are. Nothing can get into the run but a bear, the raccoons, foxes, and dogs have tried! Since we have four outdoor dogs, predators are not a problem during the day, only at night. At night the chickens are in their coop and it's everything proof! We have 1/2 of the run covered against rain in winter and sun in summer. It does not snow here so that's no issue, but it does rain and wet chickens are not attractive! Their roost is under the covered section, again keeping them out of the 112 degree sun in summer and out of the drippy rain in winter. Good luck to you, design what is best for your climate. :p
We just built a new coop and run 5 months ago. We made a covered run for several reasons. One, to protect them from weather. We wanted them to be able to be outside every day of the year. The roof protects them from snow, rain and the hot summer sun. Two, predators. We have all sorts and feel that our covered run will protect them from just about everything but a bear, which we usually don't have. There was one running around a few months ago but haven't heard of any sightings in a while now so hopefully he moved on. Three, my comfort. I am chronically ill and schlepping out into all sorts of weather to care for the chickens what getting to be very difficult. So we made the coop and covered run as comfortable as possible for me as well as the chickens. The covered run is easier for me to clean and maintain.

In the end, everyone has to do what works best for their budget and situation. Good luck!
Wait, are you building one run for both chickens and call ducks to live in together? Or two separate runs? Are you asking about putting a roof on the run? Or some wire or netting on the top? How big of an area is the run? (not every solution is practical for every size run) Will the be in the run all the time? Free range sometimes? Will they be locked in a solid coop overnight or is the run their only protection?

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