Help! Puny chick


9 Years
Mar 7, 2010
2 of my eggs hatched yesterday (day 20) under my broody so far. There are still a few eggs under her so there are all together in the nesting box. One of the chicks is small (it was a small egg). The other is a big robust baby. The little one is looking a little sickly and the mama hen isn't being very nice to it so I want to move it into a brooder and nurse it a little.

My question is other than some boiled egg what should I do? I don't have an easy source of medicinal stuff. What goes into the electrolyte solution that people talk about? How long can I keep it separated from her and still expect her to accept it as her baby?

So sorry you lost your little chick. Good luck with the big chick and the rest of the eggs.
Today is only day 21 but one of the remaining 3 eggs smells and candles with liquid in it so it got thrown out. 1 of the others has something in it but it doesnt look alive to me and the last is too dark to candle. Looks like we may have a lonely, single baby. Can I sneak another day old chick in when she's sleeping?
You should be able to do that. Most hens will accept other day old chicks when theirs are hatching or just hatched. Just slip them under her at night when everybody is quiet so she doesn't know what is going on and hopefully in the morning she will think they are hers.

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