Help! Quail foot problems!


Jul 3, 2020
My quail Lilith Just started limping and I looked at her limping foot and found it looked like this!
am not sure what this is but it looks infected! I have currently removed the rocks from there box and add a small bowl of ice and water for her to walk around in Her only roommate is my other female Oak 🙏🏻 Please tell me what to do am worried for my pet quail
My quail Lilith Just started limping and I looked at her limping foot and found it looked like this!View attachment 2332326am not sure what this is but it looks infected! I have currently removed the rocks from there box and add a small bowl of ice and water for her to walk around in Her only roommate is my other female Oak 🙏🏻 Please tell me what to do am worried for my pet quail
Could you possibly get a better picture? It’s very hard to see.
Can you give them some shavings or grippy shelf liner? The paper you have in there is slippery, and might lead to leg injuries. It could be that your bird sprained its toe, looking at your setup.
I will get shavings for her next time we go to the store! (Tomorrow)

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