Help - quitters?


In the Brooder
6 Years
Feb 18, 2013
Kent, England
I started off incubating 18 eggs 12 days ago, I candled them at a week and threw 7 away as they weren't fertile.
Out of the 11 I have left 9 seem to be growing well, when I candled them today I couldn't see much in the 9 (about 3/4's inside is dark with good veining) but the other 2 seem to be much slower or have died (only about 1/2 is dark and no veining).
I'm not sure what to do as this is my first time incubating, I can't see a blood ring.

Should I remove them or leave them in? Don't want to remove them to find they're fine
It won't hurt to leave the 2 you think may have died (I think so too). Candle again at day 18 & remove them if there is no further growth.. It should be quite obvious by that time.
Do i stop turning on the morning of day 18 or in the evening?

It really doesn’t matter. Turning isn’t all that important after the first 14 days. This came from a man that teaches poultry science at the university and works as a consultant with commercial hatcheries where just one incubator may hold 120,000 eggs and the hatchery may hatch 1,000,000 chicks a week. I consider him a reliable source.

It does not hurt to turn the eggs for a few more days but it is not really necessary.

For me, I keep turning them in the automatic turner until I increase the humidity, which is after 18 full days of development. That’s more a matter of convenience. It doesn’t have to be that precise.
I've read on another site that some eggs don't hatch until day 25, is this right? I don't want to leave the hatched chicks in the incubator for too long.
Depends on what type of eggs your hatching, but if it's chicken eggs, the answer is NO. If everything has been correct, Heat, Humidity & turning, chicken eggs hatch in 21 Days. The only reason some MIGHT hatch after 21 days is because , generally, heat hasn't been proper. Anything lower than 99.5 slows down chick development & therefore delays hatching.

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