Help sexing 4 month old Easter Eggers


Specially interested in chickens
Jan 7, 2023
Melbourne, Australia

I was wondering if anyone could please help me identify these two birds as male or female?

I got the fertilised eggs from a lady on Gumtree for my broody hen. They were listed as Easter Eggers and are now four months old.

I’m not sure what other information may be relevant…

Neither crow although the black one makes a funny honking sound. Neither like being caught but will settle once I have them and are quite easy to handle. The grey one will fall asleep on my lap if I give it head scratches.

No sign of spurs on either of them and they don’t seem to have very developed combs or wattles.

Please see the pictures for reference (plus a photobomb from Whitetail who always wants to be included). I can try to take photos from different angles if these are no good.


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I had 4 roosters at one point (i am not to the best at sexing) 1 of them suppressed their rooster traits until we got rid of the others we decided to keep him because he was so sweet. You may have a roo suppressing his traits.
Thanks for your reply. I do have doubts about the grey one (Took). Took acts very protectively towards the black one (Pip). Took will often usher Pip away from any fracas. It seems more like rooster behaviour. They also play chasey games and hide and seek together. Took’s definitely “the boss” but lets Pip win. Took hasn’t contested their place with any of the adult birds yet. I had three other chickens from this hatch and they went next door — at least one of those, if not two are roosters. Maybe having other roosters nearby makes them suppress their traits sometimes? 🤷

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