Help Sexing a six (6) week old easter Egger... Think she's a he :-/


In the Brooder
Jun 5, 2016
EDIT: SIX WEEKS not 1 week.

Hello! I'm new to chicken raising and am afraid one of my Little hens is actually rooster! I got them from a farm store, where of course they're sold seed, but am aware they make mistakes. I have two buffs and two easter Eggers. The buffs and the one Egger are definitely hens... The fourth looks and acts as if shes actually a he.

Any help would be much appreciated! I plan to take her back in shortly if we can't determine on our own. We'll have to give our lucy up if shes a he as our neighborhood won't allow roosters.

Sorry the photos arent the best- was holding my nine month old at the same time :) she's the one in the front.


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At 6 weeks it should be easier! You may need more posts before you are allowed to upload photos. At one point it was 10, not sure what it is now.

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