Help sexing Partridge Rock chick


11 Years
May 23, 2012
Denver, CO
This is Shirley, she is almost 3 months old. She is significantly smaller than my Cuckoo Marans and Buff Brahma (I know that is a large breed) chicks that are the same age, and extremely timid (but is ok with me catching her). I bought her as a sexed pullet but we all know that is not a guarantee. I have not been able to find a lot on sexing this breed, I know the rooster have dark feathers with a green sheen. She doesn't have much of a comb but her face is fairly red. What do you think? Shirley Partridge or Danny Partridge?


I agree with pullet. I have a few partridge rocks, some that are adult and some just 10 weeks. A male would definitely have different coloring. :)
I'd also say pullet!

Can I just say, her name fits her perfect! She's the cutest lil' chicken I've seen in awhile!
My husband named her. He never takes part in naming the animals but he thought she had to be called Shirley. He also calls her the pirate because she cut her eyelid when she was a few days old so she closes that eye a lot. He thinks she needs an eye patch. Oh dear.
Looks like a pullet by coloring. Males should have black breast/belly with dark red hackle/saddle feathers.

Thats a PRETTY bird :) Is she a bantam?
She isn't a bantam, she was the same size as the other chicks when I got her. She has just been very slow to grow I guess.

Thanks for the confirmations!
I bought three chicks knowing there was a good chance I would get one rooster but it looks like I have all pullets. Puts me over our city limit by one, but who is really counting.

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