Help! Should I go to the vet- Light Brahma attacked by German Shepherd and has two puncture wounds


In the Brooder
7 Years
Feb 13, 2012
Hi Everyone,
I am beside myself with grief and loathing! Crying my eyes out- how could I not double check on my chicken babies!
I let my German Shepherd and Yorkie out in the back yard tonight for the last pee (they are couch potatoes who sleep in the floor in our room and on the bed- Yorkie- she's only 3 lbs.) ...I thought the chickens were all confined, but it turned out, we left one of the coop doors open, and our gentle giant, Squirt, a light Brahma, who is about 3 lbs. and 6 months old, wandered out. Even though it was 8PM, it was still not quite dark. She really likes the dogs- but the dogs don't like the chickens, unless they are on a leash under close supervision.
I heard some frantic barking in the yard and ran out side...I saw poor Squirt, cornered by the 90 lb. 13 year old GSD and Yorkie! After I got her safe in my arms and the dogs put in the house, I calmed her down (well sort of I was bawling my eyes out and shaking) and examined her. She has a puncture wound in her back, lots of feathers pulled out, and a small puncture wound near her vent.
I calmed her and gave her some corn (she loves cracked corn) and sprayed Vetricin on all her bald patches and on the puncture wounds. Then, I used a cool hair dryer to make sure she was dry (it will be 40 tonight) and let her back into the "Locked" coop. She took a LONG drink and went into the coop. I checked on her about an hour later, and she is resting quietly with the other 4 chickens. (They are all the same age- 6 months old)
Should I take her to the vet tomorrow? I am so worried that she will get an infection from the puncture wounds from the dogs?? Or should I wait? I don't want to wait too long if she needs anitbiotics?? What should I do?
I have 5 chickens, 5 different breeds, all who are 6 months old. No roos. This is my first time with chickens ever. They are confined at night, have a layer feed for free feeding, and are out in my fenced suburban backyard/garden all day while I am at work. They are laying 5 eggs a day for the past month....and I know who is laying by their eggs and laying location. I only let the couch potato dogs out a few times a day when they have to potty and the birds are confined.
I am so devastated by this event...I love my birdies and my dogs and I just can't believe that this happened.
Thank you for any advice.
Dog bites are very serious and can easily cause infections. If you can afford to go to the vet I defiantly recommend it in this situation.
I would go. My silkie was ripped appart pretty bad. Vet had to clean her out, pull feathers and stich her up. I also had to get her on antibiotic asap. I used a 1/2 table spoon per gallon of water for 14 days. I use terramycin. Good luck. I do reccomend a vet tho.
Oh also keep her isolated, well vented, and clean. I kept my silkie in my bedroom, isolated and quiet. I put her in a box with towels as the bedding. That way my home and her wounds were kept clean and dust free. Stress is going to be a huge factor when it comes to birds. Keep us.posted!
I feel for you. The same thing happened to me. I love all my animals and it is sad when this happens.
I can say that my dog chewed my chicken pretty bad. We were not even sure she would live. I washed her twice a day with warm water and peroxide, put her on an antibiotic and made sure she drank and ate well. She is doing great now, but is not back to laying yet. My dog also got my chicken on her butt. She looks silly, but acts just fine.
My thoughts are with you!

Thanks Everyone! Here's an update on Squirt...I called the vet and described what happened and sent her a picture of the puncture wounds. She said that as long as I kept them cleaned, and sprayed the vetricin and kept an eye on her, she should be OK.
After a couple of days, she is laying again, still tapping on the back door and seems fine. I'm still keeping a close eye on her and cleaning and spraying every day. Thanks to all of you for your support. I was so stressed out and worried about my baby! I didn't sleep for two nights, and kept having nightmares that I'd wake up and find her dead. She seems to be doing good, and is still not afraid of the calm Yorkie :)
The ones who attacked her are much more carefully monitored- now, we won't let the dogs out until we have counted the chickens locked in their garden to keep them safe. I'll post some pictures this weekend.
Here are the five girls...(Foggy the Leghorn, Bo the Plymouth Barred, Moa the Ameraucana, Rhody the RIR, and Squirt the Light Brahma) you can see Squirt has some ragged tail feathers, but she is doing very well. The puncture wounds are healing nicely. My five girls are eating an immature ear of corn that I picked too early...


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