Help!!! Sick Chickens

Maran Mama

In the Brooder
5 Years
Jan 16, 2015
Gilmer Texas
My Coop
My Coop
I need advice. I've seen on this forum where people have given their chickens Tylan 50 for respitory problems. I have 5 chickens that are sick. My question is: Can you eat the eggs after dosing with Tylan 50 or does it leave a residue? I know Sulmet leaves a residue in the eggs. I don't want to feed my family or anyone else something that can potentially be bad for them. (My family is allergic to Sulfa drugs)
I've given a couple of my hens shots of tylan 50 for swollen eye issues and usually don't eat the eggs for about a week after last dose just to be sure

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