Help sick chicks


In the Brooder
Dec 7, 2015
I have a group of 6 orpington/easter eggers about 3 months old. On Monday night, I picked one up. She was so thin! Tuesday morning she was dead. I checked the others. 2 others are thin. 1 of the thin ones had a bump on eyelid and beak. Today they are lethargic, just sitting and isolated. I thought I saw a nasal or mouth drip on one without bump but not positive. Any idea what is going on and how I can save them?
Can you post some photos of the chicks, the bumps on the eyes, etc.?
What type of food/treats are you feeding?
What does their poop look like?
Any "bumps" on the inside of the beak/mouth as well?

Offer some poultry vitamins and extra protein in addition to their chick starter. (egg, tuna, mackerel or meat).
They are eating right now. I made some vitamin/electrolyte water and gave them tuna. They are usually on starter grower medicated but the last week they were on flock raiser. (I had been sick and didn't get to tractor supply) Today they have starter/grower unmedicated. Being sick, I also had neglected to clean their pen so I'm cleaning and disinfecting today. They are in a smaller isolation cage right now. (just the two of them) I just took these pictures. The other one has a spot on its beak as well but the picture was blurry.

Can you take them to a vet?

On the face, I see some black "dots" as well, is that dirt or sticktight fleas?

They may have something like Wet Fowl Pox, but it could also be Canker or another illness or disease. I'm not exactly sure if Pox or Canker cause leg/foot lesions.

It's hard to tell you how to treat since it could be a few different things and each thing requires a different type of treatment.

Clean and sanitize their water. You can apply some iodine to the scabs on the beak, this may help dry it up, for they eye use some Vetericyn Eye Gel or Terramycin Eye ointment. Don't pick off scabs, but check those dots to see if it is dirt or fleas.

If it is fleas, pick those off with some tweezers and apply a small amount of vaseline with a q-tip to "smother" any remaining. If it does turn out to be fleas, give them a dusting with poultry dust around the vent and under the wings, because they may have some lice/mites as well.

For the legs, soak them in a warm bath of epsom salts and apply a small amount of triple antibiotic ointment to the legs.

Make sure they are drinking plenty of water.
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