Help! Sick duckling

What kind of yeast are you giving @Bella Jones Nutritional or Brewers yeast dose is 1 Tablespoon per cup of feed.

Plain Niacin crushed at 125-150mgs into 1 gal of water given fresh daily, Not time released or flush free niacin.
I would choose one or the other. Read recently that using the plain niacin might be best when there are serious problems already started. I believe it was @Ravynscroft who posted that.
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This taken from the link I posted.

The doses made up for regular drinking water are a "maintenance" dose. But it was explained that a larger daily dose was needed for a duckling that was deficent. In particular Vitamin B1 - Thiamin and Vitamin A were the two mentioned as being the most likely cause of the symptoms. Incubation conditions and parents were discussed as well.
I was told, that little Flips isnt beyond hope YET- and the fact that he is eating and drinking well, not to mention running around catching and eating flies is good. I thought that a few days on vitamins would be all this little guy needed- He has improved- but at least now with the extra vitamins, and a better understanding of his conditon, things may improve. I was even given ideas for "physio" for him to help him return to normal.

So looks like B1-Thiamine and Vitamin A are the important links here dosage not sure of.

Nutri drench is recommended
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What kind of yeast are you giving @Bella Jones Nutritional or Brewers yeast dose is 1 Tablespoon per cup of feed.

Plain Niacin crushed at 125-150mgs into 1 gal of water given fresh daily, Not time released or flush free niacin.
I would choose one or the other. Read recently that using the plain niacin might be best when there are serious problems already started. I believe it was @Ravynscroft who posted that.

I believe I got that from @Amiga :)

I would continue the Niacin and try Nutridrench straight, a few drops 3x a day for wry neck, like @WVduckchick suggested it might be...
Thank you everyone for your help. Internets been acting up so I wasn't able to update. Unfortunately, the duckling passed away in my arms a few days ago. I was trying the Nutridrench as suggested, feeding brewers yeast, and continuing with the niacin. I had thought he was getting better, but I take comfort knowing his last moments were spent snuggled up in a warm blanket on my lap. Thank you everyone again,
Thank you everyone for your help. Internets been acting up so I wasn't able to update. Unfortunately, the duckling passed away in my arms a few days ago. I was trying the Nutridrench as suggested, feeding brewers yeast, and continuing with the niacin. I had thought he was getting better, but I take comfort knowing his last moments were spent snuggled up in a warm blanket on my lap. Thank you everyone again,
:hugs Condolences.

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