
7 Years
Mar 22, 2012
Mountain View, CA
I have never had a sick chicken. Yesterday all was well. Today, my year old GLW is lathargic, not eating, tail down. I picked her up and she has white drippy discharge from vent. I have separated her from the other girls. Please look at the photos and see if anything looks familiar to you. I have no clue what to do.

she could be egg bound or have laid internally. or she could have a yeast infection. I'd start by giving her a warm bath. the bath will relax her muscles. see if you can feel for an egg. if you feel one you can give her a calcium pill and the warm bath massaging her belly. you can apply a lube to the vent something that won't go rancid like ky jelly. this might help her pass the egg. with the discharge its quite possible that she has laid internally. I'd give the warm bath and examine the vent for shells. does he belly feel like its hot with fluid. I might start an antibiotic a general anti infective to help keep the infection down inside her as she tries expelling the egg matter. if it was a yeast infection you would notice a smell and it would be a thick white chunky discharge. in that case you would treat for yeast infection. but by the looks of it I'd say its likely she has laid internally or is egg bound. so you can try giving a calcium pill the warm bath a vent inspection and a general anti infective antibiotic. I really hope this helps and hope she gets better soon. you might know more about her condition after you give her a warm bath and do the massage and vent inspection. seeing if you can feel an egg. the material she is discharging could be from laying internally. hope this helps and keep us posted on her condition and your findings up on examination. best wishes and hope she gets better soon.
Giving her a warm bath in this state could kill her!

Bring her inside and get her warm, I bet she is a little hypothermic and dehydrated. Once she is warm, get some gloves, KY Jelly and very gently do a cloacal exam to check for a stuck egg or other masses that don't belong.

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So... seriously I have no idea what I would do if I actually found out she had an egg stuck... I'm really trying not to be crude but it sounds a bit like I am supposed to do a chicken colonoscopy! This is not something I'm real eager to do. Yes, I admit to being squeemish on this...

I assume I wear gloves, ky jelly, insert finger in vent... and then what?

I really can't tell my husband about this or Ill be the "butt" of a lot of jokes around here with 3 teenage boys...
So... seriously I have no idea what I would do if I actually found out she had an egg stuck... I'm really trying not to be crude but it sounds a bit like I am supposed to do a chicken colonoscopy! This is not something I'm real eager to do. Yes, I admit to being squeemish on this...

I assume I wear gloves, ky jelly, insert finger in vent... and then what?

I really can't tell my husband about this or Ill be the "butt" of a lot of jokes around here with 3 teenage boys...
Lol, I gues it's a sort of like a human rectal or ob exam. If there is an egg, you'll be able to feel it quite easilly, but be gentle, you don't want to break it. Your finger should remain in the large intestine (see above pictures). Just feel around and make note of things that feel firm vs soft.

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