HELP! Sour crop!

Ginger B

In the Brooder
6 Years
Aug 24, 2013
HELP!!!!! I'm new to the forum as well.
My year and half Buff Opp has what seems to be sour crop and possible impaction as well.
My husband and I have been taking her to the only avian vet within a 150 mile range, we live in a smaller town and I do not believe we have a chicken vet. Our vet does not have much experience w chickens but he is really trying. Currently she is lethargic, is not eating but it drinking. We bought her into our house and put a heating lamp on her to keep her warm, this is night 3 or so. According to the vet he believes she has lost some weight as well. Honestly I believe the same. She turns her head up at food sometimes taking a bite here and there, she is trying. Our vet took a stool sample of what he could and said she had a bacterial infection and prescribed c-metronidazole benz 96 mg, .5 ml two times a day. Today I took her in and be removed a bunch of sour material from her crop. Ive read and read that sour crop causes yeast production and you have to treat the yeast which is fungal. I have purchased probiotics, lactose free Kiefer (sp?) and have stared her on a mixture of that plus honey and olive oil and probiotics. I purchased Monistat 3 but am afraid to administer bc of possible unknown drug interactions. She fights us when it's time to take her meds so goes to show she still has spunk just not as much. I'm afraid she is gassy and uncomfortable, how should I relieve that? Ive been rubbing her crop as well hoping to help her pass all of this. He also gave us Criti Care powder to feed her but we just don't have the heart to put a tube down her throat so I add it to her Kiefer, honey, olive oil syringe. We have given her water w electrolytes as per the vet.

Should I give her the Monistat now although she is on the other medication?
Should I discontinue the c-metronidazole benz 96 mg, .5 ml and give her just the Monistat?
Is there a way I can help her relive the gas in her crop?

I have also read about alka seltzer working for sour crop and red wine as well. Can chickens even ingest red wine or will it hurt her?

I've read a million things and contradictions for 4 or so days and nights. I'm confused and fearful that I will hurt her w more medication.

Her poop is a liquid, white, mucus mess. Seems to be less mucus and more water and white now that he removed some of the contents of her crop. I'll try to get a pic tomorrow of what it all looks like.

Please help I want to get my baby well again!
I am too much worried for two of my adult buffs almost 1 year of age, they are doing a watery poo which has some signs of some thing like green particles what should i do for them for their treatment???
I'm on my phone and I double chick the "create new thread" button.

Can any share any advice about my Buff Opp, Ginger please!
Metronidazol (flagyl) is an antifungal also, like Monistat (miconozole.) They both are used to treet sour crop and vent gleet which are usually fungal in origin. I'm not an expert here since I don't have experience with this, but am trying to learn by reading as much as I can. I have seen where the flagyl is used more for vent gleet and that the monistat is used more by BYC people for sour crop. There are many good sites to read as most of these come from people's own experience treating their chickens. If your chicken has been on the flagyl for the recommended time, you could always switch to monistat. Here are a couple of links to different info:
Ok, so the medicin he prescribed should kill the yeast in her crop then. She has been taking the suspension 2 times a day for 4 days, this is day 5 and it is persricbed for 10 days. I know that different active ingredients in medications cure different strains of bacteria, I hope this one is working if not ill star her on the monoistat and hopefully that woll do it. I'm unsure that administering both at the same time would be the best idea, what you think? Should we be seeing results by now on this other medication?

I am really uncomfortable w the idea of vomiting her, I'm afraid I'll hurt her or she will choke. The meds won't as effective with a full crop though :(
I have also come to read that sugars and carbs that break down into sugars (bread) feeds the yeast.

Thank you, if you have more to add please do!

If anyone else has advice to offer I'd appreciate that too!
Metronidazole is not an antifungal, it's an antibiotic, but it's also used to treat some protzoal infections in people and animals. But trust me, it is *not* an antifungal.

Vomiting them is risky. The safer method is to use a syringe and catheter to empty the crop. It's the same as tube feeding them but in reverse. Suck out the contents of the crop and then do the opposite to put the medicine in there. This site talks about this albeit for pet birds:

Metronidazole is mainly an anti-protozoal drug but is active against some bacteria. There shouldn't be any problems giving it and miconazole but it might be a good idea to stagger them throughout the day.

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