Help! Sticky shrink wrapped chick

Thanks! She had a club foot as soon as I made her a boot and taped it up she was walking! I think it was from being stuck so long just mashed I'll post new pics soon

She's doing better today, I'm gonna name her "Shellac" poor baby I can't get the coating off yet but she's ea and drinking. Her bum leg is 100% better today
Thanks! She had a club foot as soon as I made her a boot and taped it up she was walking! I think it was from being stuck so long just mashed I'll post new pics soon

I'm having trouble finding pictures of boot. Just hatched a chick last night after it was shrink wrapped. Foot was all curled up in yolk and glued. Trying masking tape now not to good not enough support going to try bandaid since it just stuck foot in water. Anyone have pictures or links to site????
I found a link somewhere on this site..think it was in the sticky thread at the top of this forum. I just took a playing card and cut it in a triangle to match the shape of the foot and taped it on with tiny pieces of first aid tape. I had a chick hatch a month ago with two curled feet and I was able to fix both of them in just a few days. Good luck.
I found a link somewhere on this site..think it was in the sticky thread at the top of this forum.  I just took a playing card and cut it in a triangle to match the shape of the foot and taped it on with  tiny pieces of first aid tape.  I had a chick hatch a month ago with two curled feet and I was able to fix both of them in just a few days.   Good luck.
thank you it was a paim to find pictures. I used masking tape but after it fell off in water I usededical tape. The plastic kind. It worked!!!! her foot is great left it on for 48 hours. (She) is. A tough one wants to be with other chicks even though she's tiny compared to them 24 hours makes a huge difference.

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