Help, sure I missed the original post.


In the Brooder
6 Years
Apr 6, 2013
Dover, PA
I have 10 2 week old chicks, and noticed today when I cleaned the brooder that while my babies were playing in my garden tub (no water of course) that there was some bloody stool. Didn't notice it in the brooder before cleaning it. Since I am headed to bed and the chicks brooder sits in my garden tub I checked on them like always and noticed it again. I am using pine shavings on the floor of
the brooder and am feeding them the starter feed from TSC. I caught bits and pieces on this earlier but couldn't figure out where the post originally started. Any suggestions on what to do. They all seem to be acting fine, running around brooder and making lots of noise. Any help is greatly appreciated.
Young chicks normally shed some intestinal lining in some stools, which looks a bit bloody. Grossly bloody stools can be a sign of cocci, but they should seem sick if this is the problem. Cocci can actually be fatal pretty quickly. Here is a poop chart (graphic pics)

If you're saying you are having trouble finding a thread you posted in earlier, just go to your profile (upper right hand corner) and see the list there.

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