Help! Swollen hot bare belly

Someone pls tell me what to do
If she is bleeding apply pressure with a truss/dressing of some sort. Get her to a vet if you want to attempt to save her. How did this happen? Did she injure herself or get attacked by one of the other hens?
Do not let her suffer, euthanize if no hope. Any vet will help you in an emergency if you don't know what to do.
End her suffering is probably the nicest thing to do.
I am so sorry.

If she is bleeding apply pressure with a truss/dressing of some sort. Get her to a vet if you want to attempt to save her. How did this happen? Did she injure herself or get attacked by one of the other hens?
Do not let her suffer, euthanize if no hope. Any vet will help you in an emergency if you don't know what to do.

I agree with those above if it is as bad as it sounds.
Well I had written yesterday about her belly being really swollen and plucked clean. None of the other chickens have messed with her at all. Today most her insides were dragging the ground but she was just walking around and panting a little. My neighbor came over and put her out of her suffering. I bawled like a baby. He seems to think it might have been some kind of bit or something. He said maybe wolf worm? Terrible. I hope it never happens again!
Well I had written yesterday about her belly being really swollen and plucked clean. None of the other chickens have messed with her at all. Today most her insides were dragging the ground but she was just walking around and panting a little. My neighbor came over and put her out of her suffering. I bawled like a baby. He seems to think it might have been some kind of bit or something. He said maybe wolf worm? Terrible. I hope it never happens again!
I'm so sorry to hear about your hen. :hugs I'm very glad you did the right thing and ended her suffering.

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