Help! Three out of our five chicks were killed. What do I do?


5 Years
Jun 29, 2014
I had five one week old chicks: 3 barred rock and 2 cochins (all female).
A four or five year old kid found their way into their brooder and killed 3 of them (both cochins and 1 of the barred rock). I am heartbroken after tending and caring for these chicks for a week (of course). Now I don't know what to do about the surviving two. I worry about whether or not two will be company enough for each other? What if one dies and leaves only one alone? I've read that chickens do not do well if they are the lone chicken (you can't introduce chickens later, they get really lonely, etc.).
Do I order more chicks? If I do, they won't come until the 2 barred rock are a few weeks old (probably approaching four weeks old). At that point, would it be too late to introduce the barred rocks to new chicks? Can they be together in the same brooder? Will they get along?
Help, please!
Personally I would keep just the two chicks, they will keep each other company and be fine. Then after a few months I would buy some more and once the new ones are big enough slowly introduce them to each other. They will be fine :)
I had five one week old chicks: 3 barred rock and 2 cochins (all female).
A four or five year old kid found their way into their brooder and killed 3 of them (both cochins and 1 of the barred rock). I am heartbroken after tending and caring for these chicks for a week (of course). Now I don't know what to do about the surviving two. I worry about whether or not two will be company enough for each other? What if one dies and leaves only one alone? I've read that chickens do not do well if they are the lone chicken (you can't introduce chickens later, they get really lonely, etc.).
Do I order more chicks? If I do, they won't come until the 2 barred rock are a few weeks old (probably approaching four weeks old). At that point, would it be too late to introduce the barred rocks to new chicks? Can they be together in the same brooder? Will they get along?
Help, please!

Hi escc and
I could wish it was under happier circumstances. I am so sorry for your loss.
I agree with the other poster.
Really good advice.
One thing you can do since you obviously did want more than 2 chicks. Check around your local area (where do you live?) and see if any local breeders have chicks available about the same age. I know it is late in the year but last winter was very bitter
and many folk are still hatching
and have young chicks.
You could pick up 3 more and introduce them to your birds at night. It's actually a good number to get because neither newcomers or resident chicks will overwhelm the others in numbers.

Best Regards,
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