HELP! Tiny Bantam chick with compound break to the wing!


9 Years
Jan 16, 2011
Sperrassoville, OK
Our tiny Chocolate Orpington chick somehow has gotten a broken wing.
It is broken at the first bend in the wing at the top. Compound fracture bone poking out.
I removed her from her Mom (she is an only chick) and wrapped it as best I could.
I tried strapping it down to her body but she couldnt stand so just cleaned and wrapped the break.
I think the wing is now useless and there is no way to set it without micro surgery.
I dont know what to do, i am worried the wing tissue will die, should I just remove the wing?

I just don't know what to do, I am heartbroken and I want to do the right thing for her.

Please help,

I'm sorry to hear about your chick. I have no experience with broken wings, but an open fracture is very serious, and a big potential for infection. I would definitely go to a vet for help if possible. With such a tiny chick I would think treatment would be difficult. I would use some weak betadine, hibiclens, or water to clean it, and apply some antibiotic ointment, then try to wrap the wing. Some threads I looked over say that they removed the wing. Here is one:
Have you been able to realign the bone? Here is a link explaining how to treat/splint fractures in birds.

Note:if sutures are required use ordinary nylon fishing line as it is less likely to promote infection.
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I had a duck that got run over and had a broken wing and possibly a broken leg. You could hear it all cracking when he moved, so I wrapped his wing and leg in cloth and taped it down as tight as I could to prevent any movement. I left it on six weeks and it seemed to do the trick. As his leg was broke and cracking he was in a small box so he couldn't move, but his wing was kept tight all the time, absolutely no movement. He couldn't fly with it but he could flap about and walk as normal.
Get this, it was the vet that run him over and his suggestion was to pull it's neck.
Thanks to everyone who has replied.

I did my best to realign the break but I do not think it is, I did manage a body wrap so the wing is secure and the wound is clean but she is so tiny thay I am not sure of anything.

I did clean the wound very well and applied Vetricin

She is drinking and might be eating I am not sure. We do not have a vet in the area that works on chickens so that is not an option. I am just doing the best I can for her.

Thanks again,

Do not worry if wing is out of alignment,she does not need to be able to fly so this is not really that big of an issue. The big problem is the bone sticking out,has bone been encased back into tissue and the tip of bone was not dried out or black looking? Keep wound clean,make sure bone is not sticking out.
Are you giving anything for pain relief? The poor thing is probably in agony. A low dose of baby aspirin (1/4 a pill) every four to six hours will be alright for her for the moment. Compound fracture is tough...because it's broken through the skin, the poor bub is most likely going to need a form of antibiotics as well due to the high risk of bacteria entering the wound.
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Thanks Everyone,

I am giving Aspirin for pain but I am not sure where to get antibiotics for her. Is there something I can put in her water? and if so where would I get it?
The wound seems to be closed and I am keeping it clean and wrapped against her body.
She seems to be doing ok this morning, drinking water but not sure if she is eating. I am keeping an eye on her.


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