HELP! Turkeys sitting on rotten eggs???


10 Years
Jan 5, 2010
Medina, TN (near Jackson)

I have 3 turkeys sitting on eggs..... they are all in the same pen. I have left them alone, other than feeding and watering them. When I went in the pen yesterday to check on things, THE STINCH WAS UNBEARABLE!!!! I feel so sorry for them laying there in the smell...... it's really BAD and it smells like rotten eggs. I figure they've cracked some eggs, which have rotted underneath them. But..... they won't move off of the eggs for me to check... I can force them to move so I can check, but they should be very close to hatching (within a few days) and I don't know how they'll react to being forced off of the nest.

What should I do? Make them move or let them be for a few more days?


I can only tell you what I've done (this only happened once, with only one hen on nest).

I forced her off with a plastic rake. I sprinkled a couple of handfuls of amorphous diatomaceous earth -ADE into the nest (some fine wood chips would do - something to soak up any moist rot and makes it easier to remove goop and clean off good eggs). I then spread some more ADE and sand/wood chips under/around nest - rubbed crud off of good eggs (when hen got back on nest the ADE wood chips/sand clung to her stinking breast feathers).

Might want to put some Vicks vapo-rub under your nostrils or wear a mask while working.

Takes about 24hr. for smell to dissipate if area has good ventilation.
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Be quick. Get the birds off the eggs carefully. Clean out the nest. Be ready with fresh litter/straw whatever to mix with whatever is already there. Good to have it smell feel the same. ADE is ok but i would just clean the bulk then let them get back to the nest with as little disruption as possible. Just want any hatching eggs to arrive to a semi clean nest.

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